Our vaccine development projects
Welcome to Abera’s investor relation section.
Our ambition is to keep shareholders and the capital market informed about Abera’s status and progress. Due to Abera’s large presence on the Swedish market, some material in this section is only available in Swedish. If you have questions, kindly contact us at info@aberabio.com
The company is listed on the Spotlight Stock Market and is traded under the short name ABERA.
The share capital is 1 032 632.48 SEK and is divided into 12 907 906 shares, which entails a quota of 0.08 SEK. Each individual share entitles to one vote in the company and has an equal right to the company’s assets and profits.
Interim reports
Annual reports
Direkt Studios Interview with Abera’s CEO Maria Alriksson about the pneumococcus vaccine candidate Ab-01.12, the pneumococcus vaccine markets, competitors and more. Also the financial analysis from Carlsquare, published in December 2022 is discussed. Interview is in Swedish.
An update on Abera’s progress and milestones achieved within the development of the pneumococcus vaccine candidate as well as other projects in pipeline. Abera’s CEO Maria Alriksson is interviewed by StudioDirekt. Interview is in Swedish.
Presentation of the company and its projects by CEO Maria Alriksson at the LSX Nordic Congress in Copenhagen, September 2022. Presentation in English.
Interview with CEO Maria Alriksson around the company’s pipeline and strategies for the vaccine platforms. Fourth film in a short serie of deep dive into Abera’s main focus areas.
CEO Maria Alriksson presents the company and the development at the investor day “Sedermera-dagen 2022” in Stockholm, Sweden.
Interview with CEO Maria Alriksson about Abera’s research plans within immuno oncology. Third film in a short serie of deep dive into Abera’s main focus areas.
Interview with CEO Maria Alriksson about Abera’s vaccine candidate against Pneumococcus. Second film in a short serie of deep dive into Abera’s main focus areas.
Interview with CEO Maria Alriksson about the company background and Abera’s technology. First film in a short serie of deep dive into Abera’s main focus areas.
Presentation by CEO Maria Alriksson at BioStock Live about the company, the IPO 2021 and the goals for 2021-2023 (in Swedish).
The general meeting is the company’s highest decision-making body. The annual general meeting must by law be held within six months of the end of the financial year. The annual general meeting decides on issues such as adoption of the income statement and balance sheet, disposition of the company’s profit or loss, discharge from liability for the board and the CEO, election of board members and appointment of auditors.
Notice to attend general meetings
The notice to attend the annual general meeting or any extra general meeting dealing with amendments to the articles of association will be issued not earlier than six and not later than four weeks prior to the meeting. The notice to attend any other general meeting will be issued not earlier than six and not later than two weeks prior to the meeting. The notice to attend will be made through advertisement in “Post och Inrikes Tidningar” and on the company’s website. It shall be advertised in Svenska Dagbladet that the notice to attend has been published.
Right to attend general meetings
Shareholders who have been recorded in the shareholder register in the manner prescribed in the Swedish Companies Act (2005: 551) and who have registered with the company no later than the date specified in the notice convening the meeting have the right to participate in the meeting. This day may not be Sunday, another public holiday, Saturday, Midsummer’s Eve, Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve and may not fall earlier than the fifth weekday before the meeting.
Initiatives from shareholders
Shareholders that wish to put forward a matter for consideration by the general meeting must submit a written request to the board.
At the annual general meeting 2023, PwC was appointed as the company’s auditor for the period until the 2024 annual general meeting. Magnus Lagerberg is the auditor in charge.
Bolagsordning för Abera Bioscience AB
Org.nr. 556909–0904
§1 Företagsnamn
Bolagets företagsnamn är Abera Bioscience AB. Bolaget är publikt (publ).
§2 Styrelsens säte
Styrelsen ska ha sitt säte i Stockholms kommun, Stockholms län.
§3 Verksamhet
Föremålet för bolagets verksamhet är att bedriva naturvetenskaplig forskning och utveckling samt därmed förenlig verksamhet.
§4 Aktiekapitalet
Aktiekapitalet ska utgöra lägst 500 000 kronor och högst 2 000 000 kronor.
§5 Antalet aktier
Antalet aktier ska lägst vara 6 900 000 och högst 27 600 000.
§6 Styrelse
Styrelsen ska bestå av lägst fyra och högst åtta styrelseledamöter. Styrelsen väljs på årsstämma för tiden intill slutet av nästa årsstämma.
§7 Revisorer
För granskning av bolagets årsredovisning samt styrelsens och verkställande direktörens förvaltning ska lägst en eller högst två revisorer med eller utan suppleanter utses eller ett registrerat revisionsbolag.
§8 Kallelse till bolagstämma
Kallelse till bolagsstämma ska ske genom annonsering i Post- och Inrikes Tidningar och genom att kallelsen hålls tillgänglig på bolagets webbplats. Samtidigt som kallelse sker ska bolaget genom annonsering i Svenska Dagbladet upplysa om att kallelse har skett. Om utgivningen av Svenska Dagbladet skulle upphöra ska annonsering istället ske genom Dagens Industri.
Kallelse till årsstämma samt kallelse till extra bolagstämma där fråga om ändring av bolagsordningen kommer att behandlas ska utfärdas tidigast sex veckor och senast fyra veckor före stämman.
Kallelse till annan extra bolagsstämma ska utfärdas tidigast sex veckor och senast två veckor innan stämman.
§9 Anmälan till stämma
Rätt att delta i stämman har sådana aktieägare som upptagits i aktieboken på sätt som föreskrivs i aktiebolagslagen (2005:551) och som anmält sig hos bolaget senast den dag som anges i kallelsen till stämman. Denna dag får inte vara söndag, annan allmän helgdag, lördag, midsommarafton, julafton eller nyårsafton och inte infalla tidigare än femte vardagen före stämman.
§10 Ärenden på årsstämma
På årsstämma ska följande ärenden förekomma:
§11 Räkenskapsår
Bolagets räkenskapsår ska omfatta perioden 1/1 – 31/12.
§12 Avstämningsförbehåll
Bolagets aktier ska vara registrerade i ett avstämningsregister enligt lagen (1998:1479) om värdepapperscentraler och kontoföring av finansiella instrument (avstämningsförbehåll).
Warrants 2022/2025
In June 2022, Abera issued 25,000 warrants to a new member of the Board, which entitle holders to an equal number of shares. These warrants may be exercised during the period of 1 June – 1 September 2025 at an exercise price of SEK 32,90 per share. In the event that all warrants in this program are exercised in the purchase of Aberas shares, the company will issue a total of 25,000 new shares. These warrants are subject to standard conversion terms in relation to new share issues and similar.
Staff warrants 2022/2025
I In June 2022, Abera issued 40,000 warrants to a new staff member, which entitle holders to an equal number of shares. These warrants may be exercised during the period of 1 June – 1 September 2025 at an exercise price of SEK 32,90 per share. In the event that all warrants in this program are exercised in the purchase of Aberas shares, the company will issue a total of 40,000 new shares. These warrants are subject to standard conversion terms in relation to new share issues and similar.
Information regarding the IPO will be in Swedish. For information in English, please contact maria.alriksson@aberabio.com
Nyemission 2020
Styrelsen för Abera Bioscience beslutade den 15 januari 2021, med stöd av bemyndigande från extra bolagsstämman 2 december 2020, om en nyemission om cirka 24,1 MSEK samt notering på Spotlight Stock Market.
Get in contact with us via the contact form or email: info@aberabio.com
Abera Bioscience is a platform and vaccine development company based on over 30 years of research in the medical, molecular and microbiological field. Abera was founded in 2012 as a spin-out from the Swedish protein production company Xbrane Bioscience.